Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Introducing Serena

As an introduction to myself, its best to let you know I'm a virgin to blogging, both reading and writing. I've just completed another piece of academic studies, swearing it would be my last and that from now on I would do something that I actually enjoy.......And my favourite things to do are always food related. If I'm watching TV its always Good Food Channel or Food Network; if I'm reading, its food magazines and cookery books; and if I'm with friends, I'm most likely cooking for them. I've been told that you know you have a food problem when you bring cookery books to bed or find yourself spending hours on food apps on phone in bed!!
It was my fiancé that suggested to me that when I finish my thesis,  I write about food. So that is exactly what I'm attempting to pull off here. I hope you find it interesting!!

I'm a professional yo-yo dieter, and have a wedding fast approaching, so you would think I'd be on a staple diet of lettuce leaves and lean meal cuisine. That might be the old Serena, but the new Serena could think of nothing more torturous! So my philosophy is to make healthy low fat meals (big on flavor, low on calories) Mondays through to Fridays and say to hell with calories Saturdays and Sundays!

I do follow the weight watchers programme, although I'm not endorsing it here, I'm always mindful of the 'evil' points in everything. This blog however I will try to minimize my WW points referrals!

Its rather embarrassing that I start writing a food blog, and won't have many recipes to post just yet as I'm off kitchen duty on holidays for next few days. That won't stop me though writing about where I'll be dining. I'm off to Galway City in the beautiful West of Ireland, where the restaurants never/rarely disappoint. So I'll be reviewing the scrummy dishes we eat along the way.

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