
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Irish Potato Pancakes - Pimped up Leftovers for a happy Pancake Tuesday

I have gotten into the habit of deliberately making too much mash potatoes for the dinner, so I can have an excuse to make these delicious potato pancakes. The kids love them, as does my husband.

Today is pancake Tuesday, but rather than making my usual batter (which I make a couple times a week anyway off season) I decided to make these potato pancakes. I make them with the kids in mind, so I always make a plain batch. However if I was thinking about adults I would certainly spruce them up with scallions and herbs, and maybe ever some feta.  There really are loads of possibilities and variations so feel free to experiment for more grown up tastes.


  • 325g cold mashed potatoes
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 110g self raising flour
  • Salt/pepper
  • 180ml milk (today I used soy milk)
  • 2 eggs
  • Oil for frying


  1. In a bowl add all the ingredients except for the oil
  2. Whisk until very well combined, I used a hand held whisk
  3. Put a pan on a medium heat, add the oil, I used olive
  4. Using a ladle, pour in the batter in ladle size batches. 
  5. Allow to fry until bubble holes appear on the top. This takes approx 2-3 minutes.
  6. Flip the pancakes, and fry for another 2 minutes.
  7. I got 15 small-medium size pancakes from this mixture and served with baked beans for the kids lunch. The wolfed them.

Tip: A sophisticated starter/brunch idea, would be to add chopped dill to the batter and serve the pancakes with smoked salmon and creme fraiche.


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