
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Retro Smoked Salmon Paté

For a different dinner party starter, that was quick to prepare and in advance I decided to make some smoked salmon paté. The beauty of this recipe is that it needs to be prepared in advance, so this takes the pressure off cooking a starter when you have guests to entertain.
I used half fat creme fraiche and Philadelphia Light cream cheese so the pat isn't as naughty as it could be, easing the guilt a little, and allowing you to indulge at bit.

Serves 4


  • 200g of smoked salmon, chopped
  • 150g of smoked salmon (for moulds)
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Pepper
  • 2 tbsp of dill
  • 150g of light cream cheese
  • 2 tbsp of light creme fraiche
  • 2 spring onions, chopped.


  1. In a food processor, add the chopped smoked salmon, the lemon juice, pepper, cream cheese and creme fraiche, onions and half the dill. Blitz for a creamy consistency.
  2. Get 4 ramekins, and cover the inside with cling film, allow the film to spill well over the edges.
  3. Place the smoked salmon in the moulds, covering the inside and allowing it to cover up over the sides.
  4. Spoon in the paté, and fold over the overhanging salmon and film.
  5. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
  6. When ready to serve, pull out the cling film and carefully place the contents upside down on a plate
  7. Serve with a sprinkle of the remaining dill, some toasts and lemon wedges.

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