
Monday, January 2, 2012

Honey & Teriyaki Salmon

Happy New Year everyone!!!! The start of January for me has always been a time for healthy, low fat meals, after a normally over-indulgence Christmas season. This Christmas was particularly over indulgent, so for that reason I have to have an extra healthy low fat start to 2012.
This recipe is easing me into healthy dinners again, with fresh stir fried vegetables, a small portion of egg noodles and some fresh salmon fillets oven baked in a quick teriyaki marinade.

Serves 2


  • 2 Salmon fillets
  • 1 tbsp of runny honey
  • 3 tbsp of shop bought teriyaki marinade
  • 1 garlic clove, diced
  • 1 thumb size piece of ginger, peeled and diced
  • 1/2 a red chilli, diced
  • 100g of dried egg noddles
  • 2 tbsp of soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp of groundnut oil
  • All sorted Stirfry veggies, i.e. mushrooms, mangtout, brocolli, red pepper, spring onions (Whatever you have to hand, but best to bulk up on veggies for a healthy low fat dinner)

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees
  2. Place the salmon on some foil in an oven proof dish (you'll thank me later, the marinade is not kind to dishes and stubborn to wash off)
  3. In a jug, mix the teriyaki marinade and the honey together and pour over the salmon.
  4. Meanwhile, chop all your veggies for the stir fry. Try to cut them into the same size so they cook through at the same time.
  5. Place the salmon in the oven for 12 minutes.
  6. Get a pan of water on the boil. Cook the noodles according to the packet instructions.
  7. Pour some oil into a wok and add the garlic, ginger and chilli. Then heat the wok up to high and quickly stir fry the aromatics.
  8. Add the veggies, starting with the biggest ones first and working your way through to the veggies that take the shortest time to cook.
  9. Add a splash of water to the stir fry to help the veggies steam a little the soy sauce.

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