
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Exciting Announcement: Sika Lodge Under New Ownership

I have really good news guys! Myself and my husband have taken a leap of faith and bought a house in Killarney, Co. Kerry and we will be renovating it and turning it into a Bed & Breakfast! Just got the keys today and we are moving in!!!YAY!! The excitement has reached fever pitch, with design plans and ideas for the upcoming summer season in Killarney.

With the economy being the way it is at the moment, some people think we are mad. They have argued that hotels are closing every week and have slashed their room  prices to stay afloat, so the average person  would stay in a serviced hotel rather that a B&B. Good point, valid point!! But we aim to offer something more unique than a faceless hotel, we are welcoming people into our home and going to give a warm Irish welcome for a unique holiday experience. Research has recently shown a sharp rise in people choosing to stay in B&B's over hotels.

Lakes of Killarney (

Others say why Killarney? Isn’t every second house a B&B!?! Again good point!! Being a native of Killarney does help, so it’s great to be able to return to my home town. I’d be asking the question ‘why NOT Killarney’!!! Outside of Dublin City, Killarney is one of the biggest tourist towns in the country with breathtaking scenery and something for everyone! Killarney’s recent win of Tidy Towns has helped strengthen the towns’ ability to attract tourists. The town has a wonderful group of people working tirelessly to bring tourists to the town, with festivals both peak and off season.

Ross Castle, Killarney (

My wonderful bosses have given me the time off to realise my dream, with 3 months leave for the summer. My husband has gotten a job in Killarney, it seems everything is working out, and now hopefully we can turn this house into a warm and welcoming home for ourselves and our future guests.

We are hoping to open in May 2012 (5 months, yikes)!! Not long away at all, so we will have a busy few months ahead of us. We hope to build a totally dreamy kitchen for moi, and perhaps a nice sun room for our guests, whilst renovating the rooms, bring them up to boutique style accommodation. Our focus is on supreme service and all going well, in the summer months our guests might have the chance to sample a Irish home cooked meal every Wednesday...... plenty of ideas guys, super excited, and I’m totally open to any ideas that any of you guys out there might have for me.


Please feel free to tell me about the best breakfast you ever had, or should you have ideas for the breakfast menu your input will always be welcomed. Also please  tell me about the best Bed and Breakfast you stayed in and why it was so special for you. Its brainstorming time!!!

I’ll keep all my followers updated on the developments, ideas and renovations as they unfold. I’ll be blogging my breakfast menu planning and testing recipes. I aim to become a baker extraordinaire! Watch this space, it’s going to be a crazy few months.

 Gap of Dunloe, Killarney (Source


  1. well actually, May is only 4 months away Serena...!! Best of luck to yourself and Alan with it. Your house looks beautiful and I am sure the breakfasts will be spectacular! I look forward to visiting with the wife, later in the summer!

  2. hey serena,
    all the best with the new palatial bnb,
    your dead right about people looking for decent B&Bs instead of hotels you'll do really well,
    as for brekkie its handy when they leave cards in the rooms so people can put down exactly what they want for brekkie and at what time, the evening before saves you a bit of hassle too

  3. best of luck you guys, no problem to ye, it will be fab and when ye open for business let me no, i am due a trip to killarney :-)

  4. Absolutely lovely photos.
    My daughter visiting with a group during high school. I really would like to make the trip someday. Italy is high on my list of go-to places as well.
