
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Clementine & Thyme Chicken

This recipe was a total spur of the moment sort of thing. Do you ever buy chicken breasts in the supermarket, with no actual plan or idea what you are going to do with them? I did just that yesterday, and when I got home from work I was still none the wiser of what to do with them. I needed them ready super fast though, so firstly I placed one sheet of clingfilm on the worktop, placed the chicken breast on top and covered with another sheet of clingfilm……..then with my trusty medium-sized sauce pan, I bashed and bashed them, making them really thin. That halved the cooking time of them, meaning they would be ready in double quick time. Then to go about doing something with them, I eye-balled the kitchen, and just took my ingredients from what was laying about, thus I ended up with a Clementine & Thyme Baked Chicken. There was a really sweet flavour to it, and I put it together with my roast vegetables, but this can be easily used with pasta, rice and off course….potatoes. Go ahead and try it with left over clementines!!
Its low fat, simply and most importantly…….delicious! It’s always great to find new ways with chicken.

Serves 2


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • Black Pepper
  • Low Cal Olive oil Spray
  • 1 tsp thyme leaves
  • 1 clementine, halved.


  1. Preheat the oven to 200degrees
  2. As stated above, between two sheets of clingfilm, bash the chicken breasts under really thin.
  3. Place them in the centre of some foil, sprinkle over the thyme, grind some black pepper over them and squeeze the juice from the Clementine over then. Leave the squeezed Clementine on the foil and wrap up the chicken to make a foil parcel.
  4. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes

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