
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Chorizo and Potato Frittata

This frittata is the perfect solution to a lazy Sunday, where you've slept in past breakfast time and its a little too early for lunch. Its a really easy recipe that's extremely filling. The red oil released from the chorizo, give the eggs a beautiful colour, not to mention a fantastic smoky and spicy flavour. For best results use organic eggs, the difference between the quality of cheap factory eggs and organic eggs is huge.

Serves 2


  • 4 medium organic/free range eggs
  • Half a spicy chorizo sausage, sliced
  • 5-6 baby potatoes
  • 1 tbsp of chopped flat leaf parsley
  • Salt/pepper
  • A dash of milk

  1. Boil the potatoes in salted water for 10 minutes from boiling point.
  2. Remove the potatoes from the water and allow them to sit for a few mintues for the steam to release so that they dry out a little.
  3. Slice the potatoes into thin slices and set aside.
  4. Slice the chorizo into even rounds and fry in a pan on a medium heat. No need for oil, as there is enough oil in the chorizo that's released when fried.
  5. Add the sliced pototoes to the pan and allow to fry with the chorizo for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Break the eggs into a jug/bowl and whisk, adding salt and pepper and a dash of milk.
  7. Preheat the grill to medium.
  8. Whilst still whisking, pour the egg mixture into the frying pan. This will give the eggs a nice fluffy consistency.
  9. Leave the eggs to cook for 2-3 minutes in the pan, scatter over the parsley.
  10. Place the frying pan under a grill to finish cooking the top of the eggs, and add some more parsley if you like.
  11. This is best served with a mug of coffee and some crusty bread, or a fresh green salad.


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