
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stuffed Peppers with Bulgur Wheat, Feta & Mint

Back to yet another healthy week now of noshing after weekend of letting it go. Bulgur Wheat is supposedly a wonder food that cuts the fat and bloating over of other carbs and grains, so I’m experimenting here. I’ve used it once before and I think I must have cooked it wrong but this time, I actually followed the instructions on the packet and didn’t make up my own J

I’m making enough to serves two people, but I’ll put one portion in the fridge for lunch tomorrow.


  • 2 Peppers (I’m using mixture of red and yellow)
  • 100g Bulgur Wheat
  • 50g feta cheese, crumbled
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh mint
  • 4 cherry tomatoes diced
  • Salt & pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees
  2. Slice the peppers down the middle and remove the membrane
  3. Place the peppers cut side up in an oven proof dish in one layer.
  4. Add water from a recently boiled kettle to come up a quarter of the way of the pepper
  5. Bake in oven for 15 mins until softened
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the bulgur wheat according to packet instructions
  7. Mix then with the mint, feta and tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper
  8. Stuff the holes in the peppers with the bulgur wheat mixture and bake for a further 10 minutes
  9. Serve with a crisp green salad or for something more substantial add a grilled breast of chicken, or some fish.

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