
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ultimate Steak Marinade

I can't call my blog Medium Rare without a recipe of my favourite way to cook steak. Fillet, sirloin or Rib eye are my favourite cuts, but the marinade works with all cuts.

Serves 3


  • 1 good quality beef steak of choice
  • 1 tsp of chopped fresh rosemary/thyme
  • Grated rind of one lemon
  • Sea salt & pepper
  • Olive Oil
  • Crushed garlic clove

  • Marinate steak for 1 hour in the chopped herbs, lemon rind, salt, pepper, glug of oil and the garlic
  • Heat a griddle pan on high
  • Put the steak on the griddle pan and cook to your liking, I like 4 minutes a side
  • Leave to rest on plate covered with tin foil for min. 5  mins.
  • The accompaniments are endless, spuds, chips, salad, pasta.....rice.

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